Sunday, June 12, 2011

Changing Gears

Instead of this being my personal day to day blog, I shall transform this into a hybrid. More so of a gaming blog rather then my personal life. But I will still talk about my life from time to time.

I will try my best to write daily since I have gotten more busy. I might start off with a game review for a game I'm about to play very soon. Its InFAMOUS 2 for the PS3 I played the first and loved it cant wait to get my hands on this one.


  1. I just ordered infamous, lot of my friends told me I need to play it!
    like ur blog, keep it up!

  2. @Magixx if you didnt know infamous 1 is free on the PS3 right now

  3. Haven't played infamous but I think I'll give it a go now.

  4. your really great mmmm

  5. Okay sounds good to me. Infamous is good.

  6. Infamous2 is great in my opinion, I look forward to reading yours.

  7. Cool, looking forward to it. My PS3 YELOD on my like 2 years ago and even when there are lots of cool games coming out im a little hesitant to buy another console.

  8. Sounds like a good plan I'll be looking forward to whatever you do!!!

  9. I saw a trailer a few days ago and it looks AMAZING!
