Friday, July 15, 2011

New HDD Arrived And Installed

Finally after waiting for so long for this bad boy to ship to me, it has finally arrived. For those that dont remember why I haven't been active on my blog is that my old hard drive failed and so I had to get a new one.

Well after over a week of waiting, my new Western Digital Caviar Green 2TB HDD is here, wooo try saying that 5 times. I upgraded from a 320GB to this monster of a 2TB, for only $80 such a great price. Also it feels great that i had to do a fresh install of windows, my computer seems to be much faster. Alas though I did lose a lot of data when my other drive failed on me.

My blog will continue starting this Monday, as I will be busy on the weekend, and for the non believers (I dont know why there would even be any) heres a screen cap of my HDD.

1.81TB...close enough


  1. 2 TB, damn, that's nice!
    80 bucks, that's a good price man! :)

  2. 2 terabytes? I'm so jealous!

  3. Where in the world did you find a 2tb for $80 haha

  4. Hey Sweet to hear youve upgraded to a new drive,i just started a blog about hardware an strange problems, and would like to remind you about backups of sensitive important data!

    Now, Green drives while are a great bang for the buck, are not designed for speed, they are as reliable as any and have lower power consumption and heat generation, but if you game and feel your levels take longer to load, you might be feelinn the "downgrade" in speed, in any case, chances are this is actually FASTER than your old drive lol :D

  5. just to give a small glimpse on what i mention, traditional old hard drives had transfer rates of around 40-50 MegaBytes per second, new costly drives can get you from 100-130 Megabytes per second sustained read/writes, ive tested a wide range of "green" drives and they all have transfer rates of 60-70mB/second, just a heads up! XD

  6. Can someone explain why these things never have quite as much memory as they say they do?

  7. 5 years ago, 500gb blew my mind, now we're in the age of TB's. >_< I just bet in 5 years, comps will be built with 30 TB drives and we'll have videos taking up 100gb of space.

  8. Nice one! Hit me back,

  9. nice on, 2TB of awesomeness haha
